Saturday, April 24, 2010

Tennis anyone?

I decide to play tennis today in Anaheim. It was sunny and It's been about a week since I played last. I saw an old man playing by himself. "Wanna Rally?" I ask. He mumbles to himself. "Yeah we can play." I go to shake his hand. Normal etiquette is to introduce yourself and create small talk like, "How long have you been playing? or do you play at this park often? Instead his first words to me were, "It's about time a state does something about illegal aliens." and later..."The feds only care about cheap labor." I got a good workout and was amused when he kept giving Mexicans dirty looks. He was cordial to me after our session. "It was a pleasure playing with you" he said and he gave me a fist pump.


  1. on this image is president of Czech Republic :D:D

  2. Realy :D This is president Vaclav Klaus :DDDDD

  3. Wow, nas prezident je zase slavnej :-D

  4. Náš prezident je velký sporotvec :)

  5. Die in hell bitch!You humiliated our president!Chcpíni v pekle zmrde,ponížil jsi našeho prezidenta!

  6. nj.. aneb co se stane, když zadáte do googlu old man tenis Sláva Klausovi (OK, i Santovi)
