Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Tuesday Republican lawmakers stalled a Senate measure, the "Dream Act", that would have alowed some college immigrants path to citizenship. It's part of the GOP's "brown child left behind."

Bob Barker is recovering after fainting at a shooting rage in Los Angeles. At 86 years old, I'm sure he's shooting blanks.

Two men have filled a lawsuit claiming that Atlanta pastor, Eddie Long coerced them into having sex using the Bible. He mainly used the book of Peter.

Walter Breuning celberated his 114th birthday on Tuesday, making him the oldest man alive according to the Guiness Book of World Records. He is still in the process of blowing out the candles.

According to a recent report, the Global cost of dementia care is $604 billion annually. That's crazy!

Paris Hilton was denied entry into Japan. This is a rare instance when the phrase "denied entry" and "Paris Hilton" have been used in the
same sentence.

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