Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I made the mistake of being around people

Folks I'm sick! and like all men I'm acting like a baby and demanding your sympathy. I'm usually alone and these last few days I made the mistake of joining the human race and socializing and the end result is illness. Ever notice that hermits rarely get sick? My stomach is doing somersaults and I feel weak like Al Gore's campaign when he ran for president. I'm reaching out to the blogging community for help. What secret potion, spell or medicine will cure me? I need all the help I can get. (cough,cough, flem, stomach growl, fart, sneeze). Help please!


  1. Is your nose all stuffy? Wash it out with a squirt bottle of warm water, and yes it's supposed to burn at first. It'll prevent sinus infections.

    Decongestants, zinc, vitamin c, echinecia and goldenseal, rest, humidifier.

  2. Wormwood (Artemesia species)- a few leaves in a cup with hot water three times daily. Tastes so bad you won't want to take it again. You'll get better so's you don't have to.

    If you take too much, you'll get hallucinations, so even if you do like the taste, you won't be in a state of mind to notice.

    Get well soon, mate!

  3. Whiskey and honey. Never fails.

  4. Two oz skyy mixed with orange juice. If that's not available sunny d will do. Take as needed.

  5. A cup of hot tea with honey! And of course, I would be remiss if I failed to tell you about the good ol' vicks vaporoo (as my grandma and mom say it)on your chest! -Loved the Al Gore jab! At least you still have your sense of humor! Feel better soon!

  6. Chicken soup and lots of it! Hope you feel better soon, my friend!

  7. I'm a big proponent of the hot water, honey and lemon juice method. I don't know if it works but it sure makes me feel better. Of course, there's always a bottle of Scotch. It won't cure you but you'll be too trashed to care. :)

  8. drink lots of water and piss the sickness out of you. Or sell your soul for health. either way...

  9. Rest and lots of fluid.

    Feel better!!! :)
