Thursday, April 19, 2012

Video Blog- Exhaustion, Bob Dylan, and Kenny


  1. Dude! I LOVE your voice! Muy sexxy! :) Ok, I got that out of my system. -So you know? Life happens. Priorities trump other priorities and so on. It's great to hear you're alive and kicking! (love that song!) I'm interested in checking out both of the books you mentioned. They definitely sound interesting.

    Take care of you! Oh and clean your room man! :)

  2. Iz- I just listened to your video blog and it was great hearing your voice. Work for me is often exhausting. I agree that creativity comes more readily when one is relaxed. And if you're exhausted from work- it's hard to let the creativity flow.

    As I've gotten older, I've come across more and more people from my past who have not done well in life. It's sad and hard to see. And it reminds me to take care of myself... it matters.

    Great blog. I really enjoyed hearing you.

