Thursday, July 16, 2015

Tech Help please

Hello Bloggers and readers. I'm still alive. I stopped blogging but I've been active doing stand up comedy. I have an iphone and I'm having issues uploading pics and videos/links to this blog. It's a compatibility issue. If someone could help me out that would be cool. Email me at


  1. I want to start this blog up again

  2. What up, Iz!!!!??? I have no idea how to do the uploads, but it's good to hear that you're still out there, man!!!!

  3. Heeeeeyyyyy! I was wondering what happened to you and if you were still alive. heh. Glad to see you are and great that you are doing stand-up. I'm sorry but Tech-help and me do not like each other so I am useless to you. Yes I think you should definitely start blogging again. Hurry up.
