Sunday, July 22, 2012

Sham on you!

In uptown Whittier, CA there is a 99 cent store on historic Greenleaf Avenue. As the name implies, things cost about a dollar here. The 99 cent store is located on the corner of sad and despair. That's where the thieves above decided to make their big hit. I don't know what's sadder: Thieves ripping of the 99 cent store or spelling shame without an "e"; especially if the purpose of showing their faces is to sham them! Chances are they have very little left if they are staking 99 cent stores. They have 99 problems but shame ain't one.


  1. Sham on America for allowing this kind of education.

  2. It's sadly funny. The line saying 'You are not welcomed again.' makes me think the owner is probably a nice person... who perhaps needs an assertiveness course as well as a spelling refresher course for under a dollar!
    Uh... sham on me.

  3. That is crazy. LOL it is kind of funny.
